Common Questions About Toner Usage

2 min readJul 10, 2023


Addressing Common Questions about Toner:

1. Does tapping or patting the skin enhance absorption?

2. Is it necessary to use cotton pads with toner?

3. Is a toner with more bubbles after shaking considered better?

  1. Does tapping or patting the skin enhance absorption?

Firstly, vigorously “patting” the skin is definitely not the correct approach. When you pat your face, you may think that it is being absorbed, but in reality, it is evaporating. Forceful patting (as well as applying strong pressure during massage) is a form of physical stimulation to the skin. However, gentle tapping is acceptable, although it doesn’t significantly enhance absorption. It mainly improves facial circulation. If you want to enhance absorption, you can apply the toner evenly on your face first and then use the warmth of your palms to gently press it into the skin.

2. Is it necessary to use cotton pads with toner?

Cotton pads are not a necessary accompaniment to toner; whether you use your hands or cotton pads doesn’t make a big difference. Toner primarily serves the purpose of initial hydration and conditioning, which can be achieved by using your hands.

For individuals with thickened keratin and rough skin, using cotton pads with toner can help remove some of the keratin. As for double cleansing, as long as you cleanse your face/makeup properly, there is generally no need for a second cleanse, as excessive cleansing can actually damage the skin barrier. Therefore, in most cases, using toner does not require the use of cotton pads, especially for dry skin or sensitive dry skin.

3. Is a toner with more bubbles after shaking considered better?

The appearance of more bubbles after shaking is due to the presence of surfactants in the toner. Surfactants are solvents that allow water-soluble and oil-soluble components to blend together.

Therefore, judging the quality of a toner based on the amount of bubbles after shaking is not accurate. It is better to consider the ingredients, specific effects, and skin feel of the toner. Additionally, a thicker texture does not necessarily indicate a better product. The thick texture is the result of thickening agents and is not directly related to the quality of the skincare product.

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